
National Council of Churches in Pakistan

NCCP Elects New Leadership in 62nd General House Meeting
The National Council of Churches in Pakistan (NCCP) convened its 62nd General House Meeting today. A new leadership was elected to lead the council in its mission of promoting unity & ecumenicism among churches, interfaith harmony, social justice,

March 14, 2023 - The National Council of Churches in Pakistan (NCCP) convened its 62nd General House Meeting today. A new leadership was elected to lead the council in its mission of promoting unity & ecumenicism among churches, interfaith harmony, social justice, and humanitarian work in the country.

The NCCP, an ecumenical organization representing various Christian denominations in Pakistan, gathered at Bishop Inayat Conference Room, NCCP in Lahore for the much-anticipated event. The meeting brought together church leaders, delegates, and members from across Pakistan, making it a significant platform for discussing and shaping the direction of the Christian community's engagement in Pakistan.

The day began with a prayer service, underscoring the council's spiritual foundation and commitment to fostering unity and understanding among different denominations. The President Treasurer and several other officers were elected to serve in various roles within the NCCP's executive committee. The strategic plan was also discussed for the next five years. The house has identified two priorities that it seeks to work towards in the next five years. These strategic priorities are:

- Unifying themes for Churches in Pakistan

- Image of Christians in Pakistan

After the meeting the newly President on behalf of the house took a moment to express his gratitude and admiration for Mr. Victor Azariah’s unwavering commitment and dedication for NCCP amidst challenges & uncertainty.

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