
National Council of Churches in Pakistan


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The logo of the National Council of Churches in Pakistan features a boat representing the Church, sailing on the mighty Indus River, which symbolizes the nurturing, life-giving environment within diverse cultural landscape for the Church's mission in Pakistan. The boat carries a cross as its mast, emphasizing the centrality of Christ and the Church's role in proclaiming Christianity in the region.


National Council of Churches in Pakistan is the representative body of the Protestant Churches in Pakistan. It was founded as West Pakistan Christian Council in 1948 and was later renamed in 1975 The notable members of the council include the Church of Pakistan, Presbyterian Church of Pakistan, The Salvation Army and The Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church.


Christianity in Pakistan has a history that dates back to the 1st century. It is believed that Apostle Thomas played a significant role in bringing the gospel to the region.  However, The arrival of the British in India had a notable impact on the spread and growth of Christianity in the country. The missionary movement took momentum in this part of India, (Now Pakistan) after the British took over Punjab from Sikh empire in 1849. 

Missionaries actively encouraged the spread of Christianity among the Indian population, leading to the establishment of numerous Christian missionary organizations. 

Meanwhile, there was a strong desire to establish a national body, specifically an All India forum, to provide greater momentum and support for missionary activities and effectively address the challenges imposed on them. This national body would serve as a platform to consolidate efforts, share resources and expertise, and foster collaboration among missionaries across India and beyond. 

Eventually,  In 1914, the National Missionary Council was formed, later renamed as “National Christian Council (NCC) of India, Burma and Ceylon” in 1923. 

Before the partition of India, this region (Now Pakistan) was a member of NCC through North West India Church Council.  

After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, The West Pakistan Christian Council was constituted in 1948. 

The first elected officer of the council were;

  1. The Rt. Rev. Laurence H. Woolmer, Bishop of Lahore - President
  2. Dr. H. J. Stewart, United Presbyterian Mission, Gujranwala - Vice President
  3. S.S.S. Albert, Esquire, Punjab Religious Book Society, Lahore - Vice President
  4. Rev. Andrew Thakur Das, Pastor, Naulakha Church, Lahore - Secretary
  5. Ralph S. Tropf. Esquire, Y. M. C. A, Lahore - Treasurer

The council was renamed in 1975 as “National Council of Churches in Pakistan”


- foster mutual understanding and co-opertion among member churches, missions and institution and facilitate co-operation in policy and activity amongh them.

- further to undertake the conduct and administration of any enterprise conductive to the building up of the educational, moral, spiritual and physical well-bing of the christian community in Pakistan

Faith Statement

"We hold the faith that the Church has ever held in Jesus Christ, the redeemer of the World, in whom men are saved by grace through faith, accordance with the revelation of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We accept the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament and New Tastament as containing all thing necessary to Salvation. and as containing all things necessary to Salvation, and as the ultimate standard of faith."

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